Languages and Communication
Languages and Communication
Renault, L’Oréal, Renoir, David Guetta, YSL, Daft Punk, Monet, Lacoste, Dior, Peugeot, Louis Vuitton, Edith Piaf, Lancôme, brie, Champagne, Citröen, croissants … all from France! Being able to speak, understand, read and write French will help you immerse yourself in this wonderful culture. As well as being fun, and giving you a sense of real achievement, learning to communicate fluently in French can open out so many career opportunities to you. Bilborough College offers lessons to build your fluency and confidence, one-to-one conversational practice with our French assistant, and use of our specialist Sanako Language Lab so you can work independently on your speaking and listening. Here in the French department we like to think our students are not only learning a language, but nurturing a life-long skill.
To study French at Bilborough, you need a minimum grade C or above in English GCSE, and more importantly, a minimum higher tier grade B in French.
English Language
English Literature