Our Subject

A Level Dance FAQs
We follow the AQA specification at Bilborough Sixth Form College. You’ll be taught in a dedicated dance studio, with a sprung floor, mirrored walls, and portable sound and lighting equipment. Practical exams take place in our wonderfully equipped Theatre. It is desirable, but not essential, that you have dance experience – and you must show enthusiasm, passion and a willingness to experiment with different styles. To strengthen your love for dance we facilitate workshops with companies such as Rambert Dance Company, Netherlands Dance Theatre and West End performers and theatre visits throughout the year, such as Move It, Amsterdam and London. If you’re serious about a career on the stage, or behind the scenes, this course may be taken alongside Drama and BTEC Extended Certificate in Performing Arts Level 3.
To study Dance at Bilborough, you need a grade 4 or above in English and Maths at GCSE as well as in Dance, if you have taken it.
Our links with HE
We are always happy to guide you on the most appropriate next steps to help you achieve your dreams. Our department has good links with Rambert Dance School, London Contemporary Dance School, Funky Studios and other conservatoires around the country. You’ll have the chance to work with professional practitioners, in Musical Theatre and Contemporary Dance and we encourage you to get involved with the thriving dance scene in the Midlands. Some of our students go on to study Dance or Performing Arts at specialist institutions or universities, such as Urdang Academy, Bird College, The Place, LIPA, London Studio Centre and Performers. These degrees or professional qualifications can lead to careers in the arts sector both on and offstage – perhaps you might become a performer, producer or choreographer, events management expert, public relations and communications specialist, leisure and tourism worker, health and fitness expert, community worker or teacher.