

Our Subject


An introduction to History
A Level History FAQs

Why did Henry VIII challenge the Pope’s authority over the Church in England? Why did the Cold War come to an end? History is a fascinating subject, allowing us to explore the development and consequences of major historical events and movements. In turn, this helps us to understand current world affairs – matters of politics, culture, society and economics. If you enjoy investigation, discovery and debate, and are interested in the way the world has developed through the ages, then History A-Level at Bilborough Sixth Form College will appeal to you.

To study History at Bilborough, you need a grade 4 in GCSE Maths, grade 5 in GCSE English Language or English Literature, and a grade 5 in GCSE History.

Our links with HE

Studying History is a great way to improve your skills of analysis and debate, so an A-level in the subject will stand you in great stead for a variety of degree courses and career paths. A high proportion of Bilborough Sixth Form College History students go on to read the subject at top universities.

Course Structure

We follow the AQA History specification. You will cover two main units over the two years of your A Level.

The first is a Breadth Study on The Tudors 1485-1603. This requires a thematic study of change and continuity over the course of the Tudor dynasty with a particular focus on the methods used to consolidate royal authority, the effectiveness of government, relations with foreign powers and economic, social, cultural and religious developments.

The second is a Depth Study on The Cold War 1945-1991. This requires an analysis of the origins of the Cold War, internal and external pressures affecting both USA and USSR, the global development of the Cold War, superpower confrontation and cooperation and the end of the Cold War.

You will also undertake a separate coursework unit through an Historical Investigation covering African American Civil Rights in the USA from 1865-1968. This requires completing an essay of between 4,000 and 4,500 words focused on change and continuity over the 100-year period and incorporating an evaluation of relevant primary sources and differing historical interpretations.


At the end of Year 12, students have the opportunity to take part in the History department’s trip to Tudor London. This includes visiting the Tower of London, Westminster Abbey and Hampton Court Palace. This is a fantastic chance to see history brought to life.

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