Our Subject

A Level Geography FAQs
The world we live in is changing: Geography allows you to see why and how. Studying Geography can enhance your communication, literacy, numeracy and IT skills; your sense of spatial and environmental awareness; your ability to solve problems and work as part of a team. We follow the Edexcel Geography A-level specification. In addition to the below specific entry requirements for Geography, it’s also crucial that you have a curiosity about the world’s places, peoples, processes and environments. You should enjoy asking questions and finding answers; be interested in local, regional and global issues, and have the ability to think independently. Above all, you must be prepared to leave the classroom and see for yourself what is going on as geography is out there!
To study Geography at Bilborough, you need a minimum grade 5 or above in Maths and 5 in English GCSE, and grade 4 if studied at GCSE.
Our links with HE
If ever you need help in deciding which steps to take next, our Geography teachers are always here to help with valuable support and advice. We provide students with lots of opportunities to attend extra talks and events with local universities including through the Nottingham Geographical Association Branch and our annual Geography@University event which sees many top universities geography departments running workshops with students in college. Geography provides a sound basis for further academic study in a wide range of subjects due to the wide range of transferable skills you will develop. This has led to Geography Graduates being amongst the very most employable graduates in the UK in recent years. Universities and future employers highly value many of the transferable skills you will build and develop during the course including communication, team work, data analysis and evaluation. Further study of Geography at university is a popular option with many of our students who develop a real passion for the subject whilst at Bilborough.