Q: What previous experience do I need to take the course?
The course assumes that you have no previous experience of music technology and covers the main elements of recording and sequencing from scratch. If you have used music technology before this will be useful and if you are a musician and play an instrument this will also help, though none of the above are essential. You must be passionate about music and listen to a wide variety of musical styles. You must also be prepared to engage with music-based IT equipment over the two years of the course. If computers are not your thing then you’ll probably struggle on this course.
Q: Is there an exam on this course?
The course is assessed using vocational coursework assessments throughout the two years. There is no written exam, but students will be required to use written skills in assessments. There is one externally-set practical assessment completed under exam conditions and four internally-set assessments during the two-year course.
Q: Is this course worth the same UCAS points as an A-Level?
Yes, the course has the same UCAS tariff as a full A-Level and is accepted by most UK universities. Individuals should check entrance requirement to potential university courses if possible to confirm acceptance of BTEC qualifications.
Q: Do I need to buy anything for the course?
All resources for the course are provided by college, but students will need a USB storage device to backup electronic work on the course. Some students are lucky enough to have their own Apple computers with Logic X software at home. While useful this is not essential as college provides opportunities to book out all equipment and resources outside lesson times.
Q: What do students do after this course?
The course is a brand new Tech Level BTEC and aims to provide strong practical and vocational skills in the field of music technology. Students can progress to music technology degrees programmes, apprenticeships or employment after this course.
Q: I don’t like coursework, is this course for me?
Probably not, you will be working consistently over two years on practical coursework tasks and be expected to work under your own initiative to strict deadlines.
Q: Will I get lots of homework on this course?
Yes – the college expects students to complete around 5 hours per week outside classroom teaching time per subject. The department expects students to spend part of this time booking studio time and equipment to progress with coursework tasks. Students really need to use this time wisely especially as for most learners this subject is new and being learnt from scratch.
We hope that the Course video, FAQs and Subject Live chat have answered all your questions about the course. If you do have any other generic questions, please contact the course leader simon.lee@bilborough.ac.uk
Please note that queries about your individual progression onto the course should be directed to admissions@bilborough.ac.uk